Policy Employee Communication

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Email is an official mechanism for communication with Rochester Community and Technical College employees. Email communications are intended to meet the academic and administrative needs of the campus community and may be used to communicate to employees regarding business that is critical to the operation and function of the institution. 易胜博 assigned employee e-mail accounts shall be a means of communication with all employees. The college also retains the right to send correspondence via traditional methods.

Part 1. College Email Accounts
Unless exempted by the Office of Human Resources, all 易胜博 employees are expected to have a College email account. A College email account is one in which the address ends with annccb.com. The address of the email account will be included in a centrally maintained email database accessible to employees so authorized. The College email addresses will be included in the directory.

Part 2. Employee Obligations
Employees are expected to check their email on a regular basis in order to stay current with College-related communications. Employees are also expected to responsibly manage their College e-mail account on a frequent and consistent basis (i.e. archiving attachments, deleting old messages, etc.)

Department heads and supervisors are encouraged to, whenever possible, provide computer access to employees whose positions do not provide them with regular access to a computer, as well as a reasonable amount of time to use the computer provided for the purpose of checking their e-mail.

Department heads and supervisors that supervise employees who have been exempt from the requirement of having a College email account must make arrangements for alternative methods of access to communications.

Part 3. Forwarding of e-mail
The college will not automatically send or forward e-mail message to non-college accounts. Having e-mail lost because of forwarding does not absolve an employee from the responsibilities associated with communication sent to his or her College e-mail address. The College is not responsible for handling of e-mail by outside vendors or unofficial services.

Part 4. Privacy of e-mail
易胜博 uses various methods to protect the security of its computer and network resources and of its users’ accounts. Users should be aware that any electronic communications and data utilizing college-owned computer and network resources may be disclosed under the College, state, and federal laws and regulations or for appropriate college business needs as outlined in MnSCU Policy 5.22 Acceptable Use of Computers and Information Technology Resources.

Part 5. Monitoring of Communications
Rochester Community and Technical College officials will not monitor electronic mail as a routine matter, but it may do so to the extent permitted by law as outlined in MnSCU Policy 5.22 and Procedures 5.22.1 “Acceptable Use of Computers & Information Technology Resources” and as the College deems necessary for purposes of maintaining the integrity and effective operation of the College’s electronic mail systems.

Date of Implementation: Immediate
Date of Adoption: September 28, 2004

Date of Revisions: Add annccb.com to possible e-mail accounts – 7/1/2013; Removed roch.edu reference – 3/6/18